

Are we truly developing skills in the classroom?

Experts, employers, international and local authorities alike (OECD – OCDE, World Economic Forum, UNESCO, etc.) are highlighting the importance of developing the so-called transversal or lifelong learning skills (creativity, collaboration, communication, emotional management, etc.). Not only during our school years but also throughout our growth, as human beings. However, there is still a gap in terms of making this development happen, broadly and naturally. Due […]

Are we truly developing skills in the classroom? Leer más »

Evaluar para aprender

Se está hablando últimamente mucho de las evaluaciones en la educación. Se critica el esfuerzo que supone para profesores y alumnos sin que aporte gran cosa al aprendizaje de estos últimos. Calificamos más que evaluamos. Aun así, cuesta imaginarse un proceso de evaluación muy diferente al de hoy en día. Todos estamos en esa dinámica:

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Learning Analytics (II)

Is there any relationship between the way in which the learners express themselves and the scores they get for the different subjects? Almost 50 learners were part of a 3-month study to give an initial answer to this question. During the study, the learners completed different experiences that were used as the base for their

Learning Analytics (II) Leer más »

Groupwork vs Teamwork

Are we educating for TEAMWORK? For learners to achieve a comprehensive, well-rounded education, teamwork is vital. Teamwork sets learners up for success, inside and outside of the classroom. We don´t learn, work, and live in isolation. Teamwork teaches lifelong learning skills, such as communication, social, and self-management skills. And teamwork isn’t something learners inherently know. They need

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Learning analytics (I)

What can we learn from this chart? There is a significant difference between the average language test score, for two groups of learners that attend the same school and the same grade. This difference was not expected, and data has been an eye-opener for the two language teachers that have decided to collaborate in order

Learning analytics (I) Leer más »